More News

I decided to participate in NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month, this year and I was off to a really good start but slowly fell behind due to college keeping my really busy. Through the busyness, I’ve been working a bit on my writing, just not as much as I’d like to. I was recently looking for a way to make some money from maintaining this blog and came across an affiliate program which I think is perfect for this. If you navigate to the “AFFILIATIONS” page up top, you’ll see who I’m partnered with. Feel free to visit those links and help me out.

And, as always, here’s my Wattpad:


Yes, that title needed to be in all caps.

Today, I’m announcing that I’ve published two short stories on Amazon for the Kindle. I’ve published Rising to Power and Rigging It. Rising to Power is $2.99 and Rigging It is $5.99.

In related news, Rising to Power is currently ranked #13 in Kindle Store > Kindle Short Reads > 15 minutes (1-11 pages) > Science Fiction & Fantasy.

Here are the links to check out both stories:

Rising to Power:

Rigging It:

Big (?) News

I recently remembered that Amazon has a self-publishing service for their website and Kindle platforms. I’ve wanted to get published for a long time now and I thought that now was a good time to attempt it. I decided that I would try to publish Rising to Power, the short story about the king in The Beginning. Now I play the waiting game to see if it gets published.

New Stuff!

A week or so ago I downloaded an app called Habitica and it’s basically an app that helps you keep track of stuff you want to do and it rewards you for doing them. It’s in the format of a game so you’ll get gold and experience for completing goals. One of the things I put to do every day is write a chapter of The Beginning. It started off working really well but I fell behind because I also started spending more time with friends. I think I wrote 2-3 whole chapters before I got behind. Big news follows:

I have a self-imposed deadline of September 16, 2018 for The Beginning!

That may seem like a long way away but really it’s 364 days as of writing this. If I go back to writing a chapter a day (which I plan on doing), I will be done long before my 21st birthday (which is September 16, 2018). I’m also at 162 pages (I think) for The Beginning. It’s getting to be novel-sized and I’m so proud of myself!


Here’s the Wattpad:

Writing Plan

Since I haven’t written anything recently, I’m thinking of starting a plan that will force me back into writing. (Don’t worry, it’s nothing extreme.)

Basically, I want to write a chapter of The Beginning a day. Just one chapter as a minimum, more if I get really into it. I’d also like to write three pages in Mirrors. Just three pages since it isn’t a story with chapters. I think that this plan will get me back on track with writing. Another thing I’d like to do each day is read a chapter of a book. Ideally, I’d do this during the day but I don’t know how well that will go. I’ll try my best.

I’m hoping that this plan (at least the writing part), will help me finish The Beginning or Mirrors in a decent amount of time. If it does, I will hopefully be able to publish the stories in the near future.

As always, here’s a link to my Wattpad:

Awesome News

I have all my short stories posted on Wattpad as you probably already know. Today I got a notification from Wattpad regarding one of my stories, Alistair’s Problem to be specific. A person with the username NihilisticAsshole commented and said, “Thank you for writing this quality literature.” If you somehow see this, I want to thank you so much! He (sorry to assume) also added it to a reading list titled, “Satires (The Only Original Stories At This Point)” That made me chuckle but I also feel really proud of myself since I worked hard on Alistair’s Problem and it paid off.

This may seem very minor but it is major to me and really means a lot. If you’re out there, NihilisticAsshole, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I can’t put into words how much that comment meant to me.

As I promised, here’s a link to my Wattpad where you can find all my short stories:

Hello World!

So this is my first post I guess. Here we go:

Honestly, I’m not sure what to put in here. At the bottom of this post and every other post I make from here on out is a link to my Wattpad which will contain everything I write until I publish. Once I publish something that is on there it will be taken off except maybe the first chapter. Currently, there’s 72 pages in Appocalypse, my sci-fi novel, and 150 pages in The Beginning, my fantasy novel. There’s also 3 pages in my short story Mirrors. I don’t remember what the inspiration for Appocalypse was but the inspiration for The Beginning was Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin. There was no inspiration for Mirrors but my original though that brought it to life was, “What if instead of mirrors just reflecting whatever was in front of it, there was a parallel world on the other side.” Feel free to ask any questions about my writing or give me any feedback. As I always say, feedback is always welcome and appreciated! Most of the short stories on my Wattpad, linked below, were written in my first year of college in creative writing classes. I had to write a four page short story every week. Yes, it was a lot of writing. Yes, I enjoyed every minute of it.


Here’s a link to my Wattpad where you can check out everything I’ve written and saved:

What I Want to do With This Blog

This blog, as you can likely tell, is about myself as a writer. This blog will be used to promote myself as such and tell everyone who reads it about updates to my novels or short stories. Hopefully I don’t forget about this blog. I probably won’t since I have more control here than I did on Blogspot. I’ll post here whenever updates to stories and/or my life happen. Don’t worry, I’ll post and make a big fuss on the blog if I get published!