Yes, that title needed to be in all caps.

Today, I’m announcing that I’ve published two short stories on Amazon for the Kindle. I’ve published Rising to Power and Rigging It. Rising to Power is $2.99 and Rigging It is $5.99.

In related news, Rising to Power is currently ranked #13 in Kindle Store > Kindle Short Reads > 15 minutes (1-11 pages) > Science Fiction & Fantasy.

Here are the links to check out both stories:

Rising to Power:

Rigging It:

Big (?) News

I recently remembered that Amazon has a self-publishing service for their website and Kindle platforms. I’ve wanted to get published for a long time now and I thought that now was a good time to attempt it. I decided that I would try to publish Rising to Power, the short story about the king in The Beginning. Now I play the waiting game to see if it gets published.

New Stuff!

A week or so ago I downloaded an app called Habitica and it’s basically an app that helps you keep track of stuff you want to do and it rewards you for doing them. It’s in the format of a game so you’ll get gold and experience for completing goals. One of the things I put to do every day is write a chapter of The Beginning. It started off working really well but I fell behind because I also started spending more time with friends. I think I wrote 2-3 whole chapters before I got behind. Big news follows:

I have a self-imposed deadline of September 16, 2018 for The Beginning!

That may seem like a long way away but really it’s 364 days as of writing this. If I go back to writing a chapter a day (which I plan on doing), I will be done long before my 21st birthday (which is September 16, 2018). I’m also at 162 pages (I think) for The Beginning. It’s getting to be novel-sized and I’m so proud of myself!


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